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Palm Desert
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Cost: $28 per person if postmarked by 9-6-14.
From 9-7-14 to 9-10-14 $30 per person - CALL for
Reservations. After 9-10-14, “Stand-by List”
on site—if seats are available.
For Reservations or Questions:
call Jane at (760) 610-5928
Prayer and Teaching Resources
If you would like information about the Rosary, just click the link!
The Holy Rosary Prayer of the Heart-Are you interested in learning how to improve your prayer life? “...our very asking can be defective by limiting our prayer life to petition prayer, neglecting prayer of praise, thanksgiving, worship, adoration, contrition and by not recognizing that the Lord is far more concerned with lavishing on us greater blessings than the things we typically ask for.” Find out how to put more power in your prayer!
What is grace anyway? Fr. Hampsch tells us more about this supernatural gift, this awesome “living water” in Amazing Grace.
As Fr. Hampsch says, “Not all suggested improvements are appreciated by the beneficiaries. Or, as some punster put it, we all have a chance to improve, but some people don't take chances. Yet, we're all in the biggest room in the world the room for improvement.” This teaching shows us how to work towards “maximum spiritual growth” so that we can meet Jesus' challenge to us to be "perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matt. 5:48). Read all about it in Boosting Your Love Potential.
There is so much more to read at Fr. Hampsch’s web site. Read his online teachings, order books, tapes, videos and more at http://claretiantapeministry.org/
Don’t forget that all proceeds from Fr. Hampsch’s materials support the Claretian Missionaries worldwide!
What is the Divine Mercy Chaplet and who is St. Faustina? Check out the links to the right and learn about God's abundant mercy and how you can spread the news!
Who is St. Gertrude and how can the prayer our Lord taught her help sinners and the souls in Purgatory? Click the link to the right and learn this simple prayer.
Looking for information on a particular saint? Want to learn more about these wonderful role models. Look up the saints by their first name or just browse and increase your saintly IQ. Lots of info here!
We are hopeful that these links, which are independent of our Magnificat ministry, will prove helpful in your search for sites faithful to the Magisterium of the Church.